South Campus Gallery Presents Solastalgia

Sep 9, 2024Bradly Brown


San Jacinto College South Campus Gallery is proud to announce the opening of Solastalgia, a thought-provoking multimedia exhibition that will run from Monday, Oct. 7, through Friday, Dec. 6, 2024.

Curated by Houston artists Cathie Kayser and Ellen H. Ray, Solastalgia explores the emotional impact of environmental change on local communities, particularly those in Houston. The exhibition brings together a collective of talented Houston artists: Heather L. Johnson, Cathie Kayser, Cindee Klement, Renata Lucia, and Ellen H. Ray. 

"Beneath the routine of modern life is a wildness imprinted upon our cellular memory. It is a collective memory of our home in time and space that we long to return to. Derived from nostalgia, Solastalgia is a form of homesickness one gets while never actually leaving home," say curators Cathie Kayser and Ellen H. Ray.

Coined by philosopher Glenn Albrecht, Solastalgia refers to the distress caused by environmental changes experienced in one's home environment. This unique exhibition addresses critical environmental issues such as the Brio Superfund site near San Jacinto's South Campus, Houston's flooding patterns, and the ecological effects of the petrochemical industry, inviting viewers to reflect on humanity's relationship with the environment. 

The exhibition showcases a range of mediums, including traditional printmaking, paintings, sculptures, drawings, and experimental installations. Through these diverse works, the artists engage viewers with environmental trauma and resilience narratives, creating an immersive experience that transcends visual art and delves into social and ecological themes. 


Solastalgia, a multimedia art exhibition addressing our local history and environment 

Monday, Oct. 7 – Friday, Dec. 6

Student Reception:

Thursday, Oct. 17, from 2-5 p.m.

Weekend Reception:

Saturday, Oct. 26 from 12-5 p.m.

Artist Talk:

Saturday, Oct. 26 from 3-4 p.m.


Free and open to the public


San Jacinto College South Campus Gallery

Flickinger Fine Arts Center


13735 Beamer Road

Houston, TX 77089   

Gallery Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Friday: By Appointment


Bradly Brown, art professor/gallery curator   

San Jacinto College South Campus Gallery 

Learn more about the South Gallery


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