police tape

Active Shooter

Active shooter situations can escalate quickly and are impossible to predict. If you find yourself in an active shooter event on campus, it’s best to stay calm and quickly determine which actions to employ in this dangerous situation.

Run, Hide, Fight.

If you were to encounter an active shooter on campus, here are three ways to take action to protect yourself:
  1. Run

    If there is a safe distance between you and the armed person, flee and move far away from the armed person/sound of gunfire. If you are in the same building as the armed person, run out of the building and as far as possible untill you feel safe.

  2. Hide

    If the shooter is near and running is not possible, lock all doors and barricade yourself with furniture. Try to hide behind other obstacles and remain silent. Stay hidden until you hear the “all clear” instructions from law enforcement.

  3. Fight

    If you can’t run out of the building or hide in a safe place, be ready to take physical action to disarm the armed person. Fight is the most confrontational option and should only be used as a last resort.

Preventing On-Campus Emergencies

Run Hide Fight Surviving an Active Shooter Event Play Video

 If you see something, say something. Staying alert and reporting suspicious activity helps keep our community safe. Remember: We all play an important role in securing our shared spaces.

Things to keep an eye out for include:

  • Suspicious packages and bags and packages left unattended.
  • Individuals asking inappropriate questions about schedules, the facility or security.
  • Unusual purchases or purchases of large amounts of chemicals, fertilizers or other suspicious items.
  • Individuals wearing thick or bulky clothing, especially if the attire is unusual for the current season.
  • Strangers seen loitering near – or entering – exits or “employees only” areas.
  • Vehicles parked in prohibited areas, near entrances or exits, or left vacant for long periods of time.

If you witness any unusual or concerning behavior, contact:

Campus Police: 281-476-9128 or 5555 from a campus phone

Hearing Impaired/Silent text messages: 713-469-1071

Other Emergency Resources


While it is impossible to provide guidance in every kind of emergency, we’ve developed a helpful guide on how to handle certain emergencies.

In 2015, Gov. Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill 11, also known as the "Campus Carry" law. Here are some facts about the Campus Carry law, as well as some rules and regulations.
In case of an emergency, First Aid stations are located in a variety of locations on campus and can be identified by appropriate signs.

Campus Police

If you witness an armed individual on campus, or someone acting in an aggressive manner, immediately contact Campus Police.
Chief of Police
(281) 542-2064